I'm NEW at FBT
Pastor, Dr. Danny Hemric has been at FBT for 10 years as of January, 2023, and has been in God’s ministry for 20 years. Prior to entering the ministry, he and his wife served in different capacities their entire marriage of over 30 years.
We believe in our church motto of “Faith, Family, Forever,” because when our Faith comes first, other things fall into place. We stand with the King James Bible and preach and teach accordingly.
We have a warm and friendly body of Believers. Lots of good “salt of the earth people!” Our church is a place where one can be refreshed, encouraged, discipled, and taught the inherent Word of God with truth and compassion.
We love good Gospel music at Faith Baptist Tabernacle. Among the talent, the Pastor and his wife often sing together. Pastor Danny also beautifully plays the piano and organ.
We extend a sincere invitation to you and your family to join us. We’ll do our best to help you feel right at home, but most importantly, you’ll see that God is at home in our services!
Meet Our Pastor
Our pastors wife Mrs. Kimberly Hemric is a Christian writer, blogger, singer, ladies conference speaker, and Ladies Bible Study teacher.
Our pastor’s wife teaches the Women of the Word class on Sunday mornings at 10:00 - it can be found via live-streaming on the church FB page each week.